318 Brannan Street, Suite 100, San Francisco, CA 94107

Medical Hair Loss Treatment

If you search the internet for ‘natural hair loss treatments’, a long list of tonics, creams and dietary supplements will appear. Most of them are bunk. Although a majority of the treatments depend upon the cause, one sure shot way of achieving permanent hair growth is through hair transplantation.

Protein is a very important factor for achieving healthy hair; as protein promotes growth and strengthens hair.

A short synopsis of the generally accepted hair loss treatments are as under :

1. Corticosteroids :

This family of drugs can resolve acute cases of Alopecia areata. The treatment may be somewhat painful and may cause skin thinning in the injected sides.

2. Lasers :

Laser comb devices (office and home based) are sometimes useful in stimulating hair growth.

3. Immunotherapy :

It may be an effective form of treatment for extensive hair loss, but its success rate is minimal.

4. Ultraviolet light treatment :

Two to three sessions of light therapy are given every week. But overexposure to UV light also poses a risk of skin cancer.

5. Hair transplantation :

Among all the treatment methods stated above, hair transplantation is the safest, fastest and economical in the long run. It basically involves the relocation of grafts of hair (or individual hairs as in FUE) to the recipient region, or the balding region. A person may need several sittings for achieving the end results. The transplanted hair first drops out and new follicles grow from the transplanted ones after a few months. Hair transplantation in our clinic is performed by certified professionals with years of experience using state-of-the-art facilities.

For more information and related queries, please contact us.