318 Brannan Street, Suite 100, San Francisco, CA 94107

Hair Loss Facts

The most prominent hair loss facts that a layman should know :

Half of a man’s hair is gone before it is even noticeable :

This single fact should motivate men to take action before it is too late.

Over 800,000 people seek hair restoration each year :

According to figures extrapolated from data gathered by the International Society of hair Restoration Surgery, more than 811,000 men and women seek either surgical and/ or non-surgical methods of hair restoration.

One in every seven men has genetic variants which increase their risk of balding :

According to a research conducted by the scientists of GlaxoSmithKline, unknown genetic variants in the male chromosomes increase the chances of hair loss.

Poor nutrition leads to poor hair health :

Hair loss can be accelerated by poor nutrition; the reason for which anorexic and bulimic people lose their hair fast, as their bodies cannot replenish the nutrition that is essentially required for a healthy hair cover.

Two-thirds of men will have some hair loss by the age of 35 :

Nothing happens all of a sudden. And hair loss is also no exception to it. Two-thirds of most men will experience some hair loss by the time they hit 35, and by they reach 50, 85% of the guys will have some thinning hair.

40% of people are misinformed about the inheritance of hair loss :

Earlier people use to believe only a single parent (usually the father) is responsible for passing down the traits of hair thinning genes. Modern marvels of science, however, has made a reassuring effort for debunking this long held erroneous notion, as today we know hair loss is the trait that can be acquired from either parent.

60% of people cannot correctly spot hair transplantation :

Unlike the transplantations shown in movies and televisions, hair transplantation has come a very long way and has helped a lot of guys over the years to gain hair and happiness; so much advanced the transplantations are nowadays, it is very difficult to tell who had it and who had not.

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