318 Brannan Street, Suite 100, San Francisco, CA 94107

Are You A Candidate ?

This single question haunts or bewilders many a hair loss sufferers, as they had already asked themselves an umpteen number of times; the answer is, well, it depends.

For hair loss sufferers it is imperative to be knowledgeable about hair loss medication; generally a combination of ‘Propecia’ (Finasteride) and ‘Rogaine’ (Minoxidil) suffice in the majority of the cases. These two FDA approved hair loss remedies are typically very effective in fighting hair fall. In some instances, it also helps to regenerate new hair strands. Laser treatment, though mentioned sometimes, also entails with it grey controversies.

Younger people are generally not considered as good candidates for hair transplantation surgery. Though in some specific cases, our team of expert dermatologists might decide to perform hair transplantation on a younger patient.

The people suffering from diffused pattern of baldness are considered to be the most preferable for hair transplantation. This category of candidates yields the most cosmetically pleasing benefits of transplantation. Also, it is to be kept in mind that diffuse pattern baldness is different from diffuse alopecia.

With hair transplantation, more follicular unit graphs are needed for an aesthetically appealing result in the crown area than the frontal third of the scalp. Those who have suffered from extensive hair loss or are still suffering from the same should not realistically expect a full head of hair, achieved through transplantation, but a mirage of the combination of hair coverage and density.

Most people who undergo hair transplantation surgery typically need more than one throughout the lifetime. Subsequent hair restoration surgery might be needed if :

  • If one suffers from the native hair loss after the first transplantation.
  • The people suffering from an excess amount of diffused balding pattern might need additional sittings.
  • If one wants to follow consciously additional sittings, as they may deem fit to them.

The vital thing to remember is that hair transplantation is not a cure for hair loss. Hair loss is also an escalating condition that will most likely continue – especially for those who only started losing their hair.

For more information, contact us.